Onderzoekscentra over de hele wereld zijn dat welinitiëren projecten om een specifiek aspect van het FOXP1-gen beter te begrijpen en hoe degenetischMutaties hebben daar invloed opmet het FOXP1-syndroom. Onderzoek heeft de deelname nodig van ouders van kinderen met het syndroom om de genetische rapporten, medische geschiedenis en ontwikkelingsmijlpalen van hun kind bij te dragen. Met bijdragen van veel FOXP1-families zullen onderzoekers de gegevens kunnen analyseren en hun bevindingen kunnen publiceren met als doel identificeren unieke eigenschappen en kenmerken van onze children.
De volgende onderzoeksprojecten zijn momenteel in uitvoering. Zij vragen uw steun en bijdrage van informatie. Veel van de projecten zijn op zoek naar oudere vossen om hun kennisbasis op te bouwen. De International FOXP1 Foundation heeft deze projecten gesteund.
Als je de FOXP1-gemeenschap wilt to deelnemen Vul in uw onderzoek de "Aanvraag voor deelnameformulier" gevondenhier.
~ Onderzoek is hoe wijbouwen de kennis van FOXP1Syndroom ~
Joseph Buxbaum, Seaver Autism Institute, Mt. Sinai Hospital
Three-dimensional Organoid Model of FOXP1 Syndrome ($50,000)
The ultimate goal of this project is to develop an in vitro medium-to-high throughput
assay for screening of compound libraries. The “hits” from such a screen will be defined as compounds that “normalize” the FOXP1 organoid phenotype in a dose-dependent manner. While there is no obvious mechanistic or functional link between the organoid phenotype and the clinical presentations, it is reasonable to assume that changes in organoid development reflect changes in brain development and that utilizing organoid phenotypes validated in patient-derived cell lines carrying clinically-relevant mutations will ensure identification of potential drug candidates. This approach is in line with the current industry standards for development of the high-throughput screening assays. These drug candidates (hits) will be further validated in a number of n vitro and in vivo assays to validate preclinical efficacy and provide more mechanistic insight.
Genevieve Konopka and Jay Gibson
Functional restoration of FOXP1 haploinsufficiency using AAV-mediated gene rescue in the brain ($73,274)
Understanding FOXP1 function in the mouse brain is crucial to develop effective
therapeutics for FOXP1 syndrome in humans. In this project, we will use a mouse
model that mimics the genetic basis of many forms of FOXP1 syndrome, where only
one out of the two functional copies of FOXP1 gene is present. We will perform
intracerebroventricular (ICV) injections of a unique adeno associated virus (AAV)
called AAV9 and/or its modified and improvised version (AAV-PHP.eB) at an early
developmental stage to restore FOXP1 expression in the brains of these mice. In this
strategy, FOXP1 will be re-expressed under the control of the human synapsin 1 promoter, ensuring neuron specific expression. We will then examine whether FOXP1
gene replacement can correct behavioral deficits in the mice. If successful, we will
extend the gene restoration to later developmental time points to determine a
potential critical window of gene replacement therapy in this mouse model. Results
from this project should provide fundamental knowledge about the feasibility of FOXP1 gene therapy in humans and form the basis for future clinical trials.