The International FOXP1 Foundation has launched an ambassador program. This is a group of parent volunteers from many different countries who are prepared to help other parents in their country find services and support for their FOXP1 child. They will help you navigate your local support services, interpret the research papers or understand the translated information, while encouraging a FOXP1 community within your country.
We all feel lost and uncertain of the future when we first receive this diagnosis. We encourage parents to reach out to the ambassador of their country to talk about the diagnosis, ask questions about the services in your country, chat about therapy strategies, or meet up with others. The value of developing a FOXP1 community within your country, will be unlimited.
You may be the only family diagnosed in your country, please don't feel alone. The ambassador who speaks your language is there for you too. As we develop the International FOXP1 Foundation Ambassador program, our international community will be even stronger.
Please reach out to your Ambassador by sending them an email with your name and phone number, and they will contact you within a few days.
Australia email Heather
Austria email Christine
Belgium email Stephanie
Brazil email Marjoli and Danielle
Canada email Julie
France email Walter
Germany email Timea who also speaks Romanian and Hungarian
Ireland email Martina who also speaks Slovak and Czech
Israel email Roberta
The Netherlands email Esther and Annemiek
Nordic Countries email Heli members from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland
Poland email Karolina
Spain email Elena and Lorenza
Switzerland email Manuel
United Kingdom email Anthony
United States email Susan and Caroline
If you have any questions about the program or would like to volunteer for your country, please email info@foxp1.org